How to Generate More Leads and Customers With Buyer Personas

Many businesses risk failing due to ineffectively promoting their products and services to the wrong people. It’s a serious drain on financial resources. Which is why buyer personas are so important! Buyer personas are one of the elements used in an effective marketing strategy for any business and all too often the power of them […]
The ultimate guide to maintaining your WordPress Website

There is a lot of talk about WordPress website maintenance, what you should and shouldn’t be doing. To put it simply, your WordPress site is like a car. Without regular up-keep and some TLC that site you once knew and loved could start to have problems, break down, or even break all together. But don’t […]
Landing Pages Vs Brochure Websites

Your Website Could Be Costing You Sales There is a popular myth that suggests just publishing a website will help small businesses achieve their marketing goals. This includes the belief that building a web presence with information about their products and services is all that is needed. Online marketing has changed out of all recognition since […]
What is Local SEO?

Local SEO The Internet holds a sea of marketing opportunities; a small business only has to learn how to master them in order to increase its visibility in the local marketplace. That said, the marketing strategies that local businesses need to use are intrinsically different from those used by larger corporations. Local SEO is arguably the first […]
How to Start a Social Media Marketing Campaign

Things to Keep In Mind Before You Start a Social Media Marketing Campaign Social media has a wide, and widening influence across our lives. Networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn command a lot of attention from Internet users in the UK. Facebook has 31 million active users in the UK. Naturally, most digital marketers want to capitalise on this and […]
Commonly used strategies in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing We live in a digital age and successful businesses have had to keep up! Most companies have now incorporated digital marketing techniques into their overall marketing strategies that include other methods such as direct marketing etc. Most small business owners become overwhelmed and confused when they have to decide which strategy will best […]
Why your website should be secured

Every website should be secured The web is moving away from to There are many reasons why this trend will continue and here are just a few: Google has announced that HTTPS will affect Google search results in the future, starting now! Google Chrome browser will start to make it obvious that non-HTTPS websites are insecure. WordPress has […]